How to compete with companies hiring electronics engineers

Currently, there is a tremendous demand for electronics engineers around the world. In fact, the pandemic has only increased the need for these engineers and software developers. The engineering profession within vital industries to the pandemic expanded 1,000% between March and September 2020. That just goes to show that the sector never slowed down, and this can be witnessed in the number of companies hiring electronics engineers.

Let’s talk about two different scenarios:

  1. Your company is hiring, but you can’t find seem to find the right engineers for open roles.
  2. You’ve done it, you’ve hired a good fit! But shortly after, they leave for another job at another company.

Do these situations sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. In this article, learn about the reasons behind these problems and how your company can find the solution it’s looking for with TechTeamz.

The core problem: mismatched supply and demand for engineers

There are an extremely high number of job openings currently available in the electronic engineering field, as the current supply of job openings far exceeds the number of eligible candidates. The field is expected to continue to grow at a rate of 3 to 7% per year worldwide through 2030, and engineers are one of the greatest in-demand professions in Europe and across the globe.

The gap between supply and demand in employment leaves a tough hiring market as companies compete for the most desirable candidates. There is presently what many in the industry refer to as a ‘war on talent’ between companies competing for talented engineering candidates.

Challenges for companies hiring electronics engineers

Big-name corporations

The market for new electronic engineering candidates can be difficult to hire well-educated, skilled, certified, and experienced candidates—the most desirable candidates. Many potential employees are hired quickly by larger corporations or well-backed employers in today’s highly competitive job market. It can be challenging for small businesses and even mid-sized employers to compete with corporations having the resources to offer more and better incentives to potential new hires.


Attrition can also be a huge problem in electronics engineering. Many engineers are easily swayed by the offerings of head-hunters and large corporations and leave for a new position. Others may get bored with the work and decide to move on to a new employer and projects. Regardless of the cause, a high attrition rate can make it extremely difficult for an employer to finish a project.

Changing technology and trends

Another problem is that electronics, related applications, and software have become an essential commodity in nearly every economic sector. The result is that there is a need for many employers to hire electronics engineers for businesses and projects that traditional would not have required them. We use electronics, and their related software applications, in nearly every facet of business and everyday life nowadays. These industry-wide shifts are only increasing the competition in the job market for good electronic engineering candidates. It is also imperative that candidates have knowledge of the most current technologies and trends; or at least the technologies and trends required to meet the needs of a perspective employer or project.

Ways to compete in a competitive hiring market

There are many ways to compete with other companies that are hiring electronic engineers. Believe it or not, but not every employee wants to work at a big-name firm amongst hundreds of other workers. Every person searching for a job has their own personal preferences for their working environment.

At TechTeamz, we have created a unique methodology to make finding and hiring the right candidates agile, fast, and manageable. We take care of screening candidates and ensure you get top quality candidates that meet your specifications and are suited for your project. TechTeamz also handles all the Human Resources responsibilities, so you can concentrate on bringing your project to life with no setbacks due to employees leaving for other jobs.

Below, find a few areas that set TechTeamz apart from other companies when finding—and keeping—the right engineers for your project.

TechTeamz Highly Skilled Worker Program

Remote teams

Remote work is more popular than ever, and the TechTeamz model is based on remote engineering hubs. As part of CIS group, we have access to one of the largest sources of embedded and mobile engineering talent across the globe. Our combination of employees and freelancers, working onsite and remote, gives you access to a wide talent pool, with employees working where you need them.

The right fit

One of the most important things that employees look for when job-hunting is a project that’s “the right fit”. They want to work on projects they’re interested in, that inspire them, and that match their skill set and experience. TechTeamz is there to be the matchmaker between your company and the right engineer.


Based in Spain, TechTeamz offers engineers an above average engineering salary compared to local rates as an initial way of attracting new, qualified candidates and retaining current employees. This helps cut down on employee attrition and saves project downtime and risk. Read more about engineering salaries worldwide here.

No middle managers

Our engineers work directly with you, the end-client, so they know all the specifications and goals of the project right from the start. There is no middle manager in between, where loose ends can cause disruptions and misunderstandings. We find this approach is more agile and lets our engineers come up with the best solutions.

Continuous learning

Life isn’t all about work, and we know that. That’s why we offer our engineers a sense of purpose, with teambuilding activities and personal development via online courses. Promoting continuous learning, both personally and professionally, helps with employee satisfaction and ends up contributing to better skills and ideas.

Workforce planning

At TechTeamz, our engineering teams act as a seamless extension of your own R&D department. We employ teams directly, taking all the hiring, HR, global payroll and legal compliance issues away from you. You’ll have total control of your projects, without the frustrations of hiring and HR management.

Electronic engineering is all about making things convenient, effective, and economical. As you can see, TechTeamz is your best bet for competing with other companies that are hiring electronic engineers.