Developer and Electronic Engineer Salaries by Country

Given today’s high-tech global society, software developers and electronics engineers are among the highest in-demand professionals in many countries. It is no wonder that there is a great demand for these professions. It is hard to think of a product today that isn’t somehow tied to technology.

Industries in every corner of the globe rely on computers, computer chips, and software to do nearly every task, from human resources to research and development; robot-assisted manufacturing to building and testing electrical systems.

In addition to this, technology and the software that drives is constantly evolving to keep up with consumer demands. Think about the cell phones available for purchase a few years ago and all the advancements and improvements available on today’s cell phones. These modern innovations wouldn’t be possible without developers and electronic engineers.

Where are Developer and Electronic Engineer salaries the highest and lowest?

The salaries for developers and electronic engineers vary widely by country. Some areas, like India, have historically offered among the lowest salaries globally for these types of roles. Conversely, in the United States as well as certain northern European countries, a similar role would offer a very high salary.

Developers and electronic engineers in Switzerland reported the highest salaries of the countries worldwide, and reported earning 7 to 8 times that of their Indian counterparts. On average, developers in India make about 2.5 times less than their counterparts worldwide.

Salaries can vary widely even in the same country, for example India, but also by role. We see large salary differences depending on the project requirements, specialisation needed, and other diverse factors.

Impact of Globalisation on Engineering ebook

Recent engineering salary trends and drivers

The salary disparity globally is remarkable within the engineering sector. Recent trends indicate that competitive, ambitious developers and electronic engineers in India and Singapore are starting to draw higher, more equitable salaries. The increase seems largely due to such factors as more seniority, experience, and a higher level of education among those in the field. There are likely overall changes in employment in certain countries as well, such as the rise of remote working practices.

What does this mean for your engineering project?

There is a limited supply of talent globally, and, thus, it can be expensive, or even uncertain cost, to staff projects. As noted, the demand for developers and software engineers and a great desire to revolutionize products and technology drives these salaries higher in some locations. Companies also report that finding key engineers and other roles needed to fill project positions locally can take months. Traditional outsourcing falls flat for most in today’s world, likely because they are working with a similar local pool of candidates.

For these reasons and many more, companies around the globe are turning to a recent global trend of hiring remote teams, like those available at TechTeamz, to staff projects.

How can TechTeamz help you find the right expertise for the right price?

Society is becoming more and more global, but disparity still exists and likely will continue to do so for many varied reasons. TechTeamz is a global, remote outsourcer providing services that allow you to broaden your options. We can assemble a team from all corners of the world to meet your exact project specifications and requirements. TechTeamz not only employs the talent, but we also handle all employment-related concerns, including HR, payroll, and compliance issues so that you can concentrate on your project.

The remote team of project managers and global specialists at TechTeamz are strategically situated anywhere worldwide. How do you benefit? Outsourcing of developers and electronic engineers can optimize your project costs while not sacrificing overall quality and perhaps even increasing it. If you’re ready to reap the benefits that TechTeamz has to offer for your project, contact us today.