When debugging, the right tool can make a difference between success and setbacks. That’s why we at TechTeamz have compiled a list of the best debugging tools that will streamline your troubleshooting tasks. Whether you’re working on embedded systems, software development or IoT applications, these tools will help you make the most out your debugging capabilities.


Shake is an easy-to-use mobile debugging tool that allows engineers to identify and resolve issues in their mobile applications quickly. It allows remote debugging, real-time bug tracking and even in-app error notification, making it one of the best choices for mobile developers.

AQTime Pro:

AQTime Pro is a comprehensive profiling and debugging tool designed to improve the performance of your software applications. It provides deep insight into the execution of your code, helping you find bottlenecks, memory leaks and performance issues. With AQTime Pro, engineers can optimise their software for maximum efficiency.


Bugfender is a real-time log aggregation tool that allows engineers to capture and analyse application logs remotely. It is especially useful for debugging mobile and web applications, providing centralised logging, bug reporting and easy access to logs from multiple devices.


Fiddler is a powerful web debugging proxy tool that allows engineers to inspect and modify HTTP/HTTPS traffic between their applications and the Internet. With Fiddler, you can efficiently troubleshoot network-related problems, analyse web traffic and monitor API interactions.

IDA Pro:

For low-level debugging and reverse engineering tasks, IDA Pro is a trusted choice. It is a disassembler and debugger that helps engineers understand and debug binary code, making it a valuable tool for working with firmware, embedded systems and cybersecurity.


Lightrun is a live debugging and observability platform designed for cloud-native applications and microservices. It provides real-time feedback on the behaviour of your application, allowing engineers to diagnose problems and make code modifications on the fly without restarting the application.


NerdVision is a code-level debugging and observability platform that allows engineers to troubleshoot their applications in real-time. It offers features such as inline code changes, variable inspection and conditional breakpoints, making it a valuable tool for rapid problem solving in real-world environments.

New Relic:

New Relic is a popular application performance monitoring tool that provides detailed information about the performance of your software applications. It helps engineers identify bottlenecks, monitor application health and proactively detect problems to maintain optimal performance.


Rollbar is a bug tracking and monitoring tool that helps detect and diagnose software errors and exceptions in real time. With Rollbar, you can identify and resolve problems quickly, ensuring the stability of your applications.


Rookout is a data collection and debugging platform that simplifies the debugging process by allowing you to collect data from live applications without redeploying them. This tool offers a non-disruptive way to inspect and modify code at runtime.

The ten tools we’ve outlined serve various functions and possess distinct capabilities. Although you may not require every single one of them, it’s beneficial to understand their features in order to determine what to seek in your debugging toolkit.

Nonetheless, all the tools listed have established themselves with a successful track record and contented users. We trust that you’ll discover a suitable option for your team. Make the most of the free trials, and you’ll be making progress toward debugging your application release by release.